Top stories from Leo's Friends: | | | Huffington Post – Nov 30 NEW YORK ― Sopan Deb, who emerged as a standout 2016 reporter for his tireless coverage of Donald Trump, is joining The New York Times culture desk. In a memo to staff, Times culture editor Danielle Mattoon said Deb will "cover a… | | | Vanity Fair – Sarah Ellison – Nov 29, 9:00 PM The much-anticipated new media venture from Politico co-founder and former C.E.O. Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen, the founding father of its Playbook newsletter (the lifeblood of the enterprise for years), has been shrouded in mystery since the duo… | | | Vox – Matthew Yglesias – Nov 30, 4:30 AM Over the weekend, Donald Trump alleged the existence of massive voter fraud in an election he indisputably won. Tuesday morning, seemingly inspired by a Fox News segment, he tweeted that flag burning should be not only illegal (a popular stance… | | | Vanity Fair – Martin Baron – Nov 28, 10:15 PM On Monday, the second-annual Hitchens Prize—honoring the memory and legacy of the late Vanity Fair contributing editor and columnist Christopher Hitchens—was given to Marty Baron, Executive Editor of The Washington Post, at a dinner… | | | I'm almost beginning to believe theory that Trump's tweets are subterfuge to distract us from real scandals. It's time to ignore his tweets. — Fred Kaplan (@fmkaplan) Nov. 27, 2016… | | | | |  | Reply to this email to give Leo feedback on this newsletter! | | |
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