| A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Matthew Green – Apr 2 – A few weeks back I wrote an update on the Truecrypt audit promising that we'd have some concrete results to show you soon. Thanks to some hard work by the NCC Crypto Services group, soon is now. We're grateful to Alex, Sean and Tom, and to Kenn… | | | TN.com.ar – Fabiana Ramirez – Apr 2, 9:31 AM – Uno de los documentos entregados por Edward Snowden a TN.com.ar, fechado en marzo de 2010, es una circular interna del GCHQ (Cuartel General de Comunicaciones del Gobierno británico) en donde se reportan los avances en las operaciones en… | | | Nuzzel, Inc., 665 3rd St., Suite 150, San Francisco, CA 94107 | |
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