jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019

Nuzzel is being acquired by Scroll; going ad-free

Hello Alex,

Scroll is acquiring Nuzzel. We're keeping it running independently, and our first priority is not to screw that up, so don't expect any major changes to the core service. If you like the email digest, you'll still get the email digest. If you love the app, it will still give you the best discovery experience around.

What's changing? Two things:

1) We're removing the ads from the newsletters. Scroll is not in the ad business so it would be weird for us to include ads in Nuzzel.

2) We're spinning off the enterprise Media Intelligence subscription service into a separate business.

Learn more on our blog!


Tony Haile
CEO, Scroll.

sábado, 21 de julio de 2018

Privacy Policy update 🐈

It seems like evvverybody is updating their privacy policies.

GDPR is a data protection regulation that governs how websites store and the retain personal data of EU citizens. In what can best be described as this decade's Y2K moment, it went into effect earlier this summer.

We're updating our privacy policy and terms of service to comply with new data protection laws, effective immediately. Some highlights: 

  • More transparency. We've rewritten our Privacy Policy to be specific about what information we collect, including details on how it is stored, shared, and used. We also explain how we use cookies on AngelList domains.
  • More control. The updated privacy policy explains how you can control your account settings or opt out of communications.
  • Increased legal age. We've increased the legal age of consent from 13 to 16 in our terms of serfice.

If you use Ship and want to remain compliant, you can access a signed Data Processing Addendum (DPA) confirming our compliance. If you have questions, please reply to this email.

If you're interested in learning more about GDPR, here's a powerful list of tools to learn how to make your website compliant. 🇪🇺v

The Product Hunt Team


sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

Nuzzel News Alert - Cánticos a favor del Gobierno y contra el kirchnerismo en Plaza de Mayo

Nuzzel News Alert

Breaking news from your Nuzzel feed:

INFOnews – Mar 31, 8:00 PM

La convocatoria en distintos puntos del país en apoyo a la actual gestión de Cambiemos, convocada principalmente desde las redes sociales, incrementó su convocatoria a partir de las 18.30. De acuerdo con datos de las fuerzas de…

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iTunes Google Play
Nuzzel, Inc., 665 3rd St., Suite 150, San Francisco, CA 94107

Nuzzel News Alert - VIVO | Banderas y aplausos en el #1A, la 'marcha de la democracia' en apoyo al Gobierno

Nuzzel News Alert

Breaking news from your Nuzzel feed:

TN.com.ar – Apr 1, 2:14 PM

Banderas argentinas, los clásicos cantitos del 'sí se puede' y aplausos comenzaron a escucharse en la Plaza de Mayo minutos después de las 18, cuando estaba convocada la marcha del #1A. Se trata de una iniciativa a favor del…

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iTunes Google Play
Nuzzel, Inc., 665 3rd St., Suite 150, San Francisco, CA 94107

Nuzzel News Alert - #1A en vivo: la marcha a favor del Gobierno a Plaza de Mayo

Nuzzel News Alert

Breaking news from your Nuzzel feed:

Clarín.com – Clarin.com

Con la consigna '#1A Por la Democracia' hoy se organizaba la marcha 'autoconvocada' en redes sociales a favor del Gobierno de Mauricio Macri. Sin apoyo ni organización del macrismo, manifestantes llegaban al Obelisco pasadas las 17 y a las…

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iTunes Google Play
Nuzzel, Inc., 665 3rd St., Suite 150, San Francisco, CA 94107

Nuzzel News Alert - Inventó la pizza en cono y no se arrepiente

Nuzzel News Alert

Breaking news from your Nuzzel feed:

Clarín.com – Hernán Firpo

Las relaciones carnales de fulano con la comida empezaron, como corresponde, con un buen pedazo de asado y siguieron por la necesidad de inventar un canapé o algo que, en el fondo, llevara su sello y su buen nombre. Alejandro Flores es nota…

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iTunes Google Play
Nuzzel, Inc., 665 3rd St., Suite 150, San Francisco, CA 94107